Why is a Compounding Pharmacy necessary for Low Dose Atropine Eye Drops?
The strength of eye drops needed for children with myopia (nearsightedness) isn’t currently commercially available. Our sterile compounding pharmacy can make the specific low strength (low-dose) eye drops that are prescribed.
Administering Atropine Eye Drops
Watch this video to learn about Atropine Eye Drops, and how to properly administer them, from expert pharmacist John Herr, RPh.

Doctors trust Town & Country Compounding for high-quality compounded medicine to help make patients better and address their individual needs.
Why are low dose atropine eye drops prescribed for children with myopia?
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology®, 50% of people experience nearsightedness (myopia), which is becoming more common in children.
Patients with nearsightedness or myopia have difficulty seeing things that are far away. Myopia cannot be reversed, but its progression can possibly be slowed down if caught early enough.
Controlling myopia is very important in childhood since myopia progresses or worsens quickly during this stage of life. It is essential to recognize the condition and take action so the child can get the greatest potential results from the medication.
Low dose atropine eye drops (also known as low-strength atropine ophthalmic drops) may slow myopia progression. Doctors do not know precisely how atropine works in this condition, but nearsightedness worsens as the eye grows longer. They think a low concentration of atropine eye drops may keep the eye from lengthening too much.
In what age group are atropine eye drops used to slow the progression of myopia? Low dose atropine for myopia is typically used for children between 5 and 18 years old.

Atropine Eye Drops
Town & Country Compounding Pharmacy compounds various strengths of atropine eye drops for children or adults with myopia (nearsightedness) and other conditions.
$95 for 10ml bottle
(10ml should provide at least a 90-day supply)
This medication requires a prescription.
Prescription Inquiries
If your inquiry is regarding a prescription, we are only licensed to fill and ship to multiple states:
We ship to all US states for over-the-counter or any products that do not require a prescription.