How LDN Works- Explained by a Pain Management Physician

Mechanism of Action

LDN is not like any other medication that you have given to your patients, or that your patients have ever taken.
It allows the body to start functioning again.

It blocks the mu opioid receptor, and because of that, the body is blinded (from the homeostasis perspective) to the level of endorphins that are available within the system, and therefore, starts producing more.

This is important because in patients with chronic disease states, especially those with autoimmune and immune dysfunction disease states, their endorphins levels have already started to go down.

Their mood is low, and it is hard to feel happy and easy to feel sad; many are on antidepressants. The patients often say they do not feel “too sad” once they are on antidepressants but, they also do not feel “happy”. It is because they do not have enough endorphins.

The endorphins will help to relieve pain, stabilize mood and may also help them get off antidepressants over time if they are low strength.

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Downstream, the endorphin molecule interacts with the TLR4 receptor. It is shaped like an X and has 2 arms. One arm upregulates the body’s own immune system, and the other arm upregulates the ability for the body to suppress inflammation.

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