Compounded Ketamine Available at Town & Country Compounding

Our accreditations place us in the top 1% of compounding pharmacies

Ketamine can be compounded into different dosage forms

Nasal Spray



Ketamine Infusion IV Sterile Medication Prescription RX Order - Compounding Pharmacy New Jersey, NJ, New York, NY

Sterile Infusion

Compounded Ketamine Injectable/Injection Prescription Medication Near Me New Jersey (NJ) New York (NY)

Vial (Injectable)

Rapid Dissolve Tablets (RDTs)

Rapid Dissolve Tablets (RDTs)

DR PRADEEP CHOPRA MD - pain specialist
Pradeep Chopra, MD

Center for Complex Conditions
Assistant Professor (Clinical)
Brown Medical School

Town & Country Compounding has the quality your patients need and deserve. 

“Town & Country Compounding has the quality my patients need and deserve.

Town & Country Compounding greatly helps my patients, and I recommend using them because of their quality and excellent customer service.

I recently had a patient who had elevated liver enzymes with a ketamine infusion. Due to the commercial product shortage, I ordered compounded ketamine infusions from Town & Country and noticed that the patient’s liver enzymes suddenly became stable. I was pleasantly surprised and repeated labs three times to ensure accuracy. Pharmacist/Owner John and I discussed high-quality compounding and its importance.”

Sending prescriptions to
Town & Country Compounding

It’s easy for licensed practitioners to prescribe medications for patients using Town & Country Compounding. 

Call or Text: 201-447-2020