Our System Is Getting an Upgrade!

Our accreditations place us in the top 1% of compounding pharmacies

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Our system is getting an upgrade!

We continually strive to improve patient & provider experience, and we’re happy to announce we will be switching to a new software platform!

Upgrades coming soon with our new enhanced automation:

✔️ Easier patient refill and payment options
✔️ Automatic shipping notifications to patients
✔️ Automated refill reminders to patients
✔️ Easier prescribing
✔️ Physician office prescribing portals for high prescribers
✔️ New digital payment options

Launching This Month!

Because credit card security is paramount and we maintain them encrypted, they will not transfer to our new system. We will need to update your credit card one time in the new system. Updated credit card information can be given over the phone or transmitted over a secure link via text or e-mail.

Thank you for your continued support. We appreciate your patience as we transition to our new system.
Please feel free to reach out to our team with any questions or concerns.

Town & Country Compounding Pharmacy is located at
Town & Country Compounding Pharmacy is located at 535 East Crescent Ave Ramsey, NJ 07446

Town & Country Compounding provides the most advanced formulations based on the most recent research and peer-reviewed guidelines.

We work with patients and their medical providers to customize solutions that are right for their individual needs when commercially-made medications are not showing results.

Medication is not one-size-fits-all. 

Call or Text: 201-447-2020

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