We sat down with hormone specialist and pharmacist Jari Becker, RPh. to get her take on women’s health, learn from her expertise, and find out more on upcoming events.
As the main speaker at Town & Country Compounding’s Women, Wellness & Wine events, she has connected women with answers about hormone imbalances. Read her interview below >>
Doctors Trust
Town & Country Compounding
for high-quality bioidentical hormones & women’s compounds.
"Patients do better when they get their medicine from Town & Country Compounding.
They’ve invested in quality assurance - that’s what you’re paying for. I rely on Town & Country as our go-to compounding pharmacy."

Dr. AnnaLisa Pastore, MD
Center for Holistic & Integrative Medicine
Harrington Park, NJ
Why are you referred to as the “Hormone Queen” at Town & Country Compounding Pharmacy?
I consider women’s health and hormones my passion. As a pharmacist, I understand about hormone imbalances and related symptoms that occur as women approach menopause. And, as a female, I can relate and empathize with women about how disruptive symptoms can be.
I enjoy sharing my knowledge about nutritional supplements, stress management, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), to help women maintain a good quality of life as they reach their menopausal years.

I find it interesting and rewarding to discuss bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) dosing and symptom management with practitioners to help solve difficult patient problems.
"As a pharmacist, I work within what we call a triad relationship: the doctor, pharmacist, and patient collaborate together to meet the patients’ needs."
– Jari Becker, RPh.
What are some common questions you receive about women’s health?
Weight gain is a common concern, especially with aging and menopause. Sleep problems, irregular bleeding, and hot flashes/night sweats.
I receive quite a few questions related to painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, and lack of libido. We discuss all of these during our Women, Wine, and Wellness Events.
What is a common misconception about menopausal symptoms?
I think many women were taught to think menopause is just about hot flashes, but it’s so much more. Ask any woman who has had a difficult time with menopause, and they have a list of symptoms. There are a multitude of problems that can affect women and I want to do my best to help them through it.
What are the most bothersome common symptoms you hear complaints about?
Sleep problems, weight gain, hot flashes (night sweats), painful intercourse, lack of libido, and mood instability.
As the main speaker at Town & Country Compounding’s Women, Wellness & Wine events, what’s it all about?
We started having events last Spring and offer them monthly. Our events are only offered in person, at our pharmacy in Ramsey, NJ.
After introducing myself, I explain that tonight is not meant to be a lecture but more of a dialogue between us women where we can discuss the various topics and ask questions in a welcoming environment where no woman should be hesitant to open up.
I start off by talking about different women’s health issues and encourage the attendees to ask me questions as I touch on various topics.
This often leads us to some great discussions about typical female issues such as hormone replacement, libido, and hot flashes. Sometimes, we have a few practitioners in the audience as well!
The word is spreading and we are seeing a lot of interest in women who want to attend these sessions.
What are some other interesting topics that come up in the group at your monthly Women, Wine, Wellness Events?
We have covered:
- Diet
- Sleep cycles
- Exercise
What are your favorite supplements for women?
It really depends on what the patient’s symptoms and health goals are.
Women’s Health Supplements

- Women’s Pure Pack
- Multivitamin pack plus other essential nutrients & fish oil
- K2-D3 5000
- Ortho Biotic® Capsules
- CollaGEN
- Nitric Oxide Support
- NuAdapt®
Doctors Trust
Town & Country Compounding
for high-quality bioidentical hormones & women’s compounds.
"Patients do better when they get their medicine from Town & Country Compounding.
They’ve invested in quality assurance - that’s what you’re paying for. I rely on Town & Country as our go-to compounding pharmacy."

Dr. AnnaLisa Pastore, MD
Center for Holistic & Integrative Medicine
Harrington Park, NJ

Featured Speaker: Jari Becker, RPh
Pharmacist, BHRT Expert
Women, Wellness & Wine Event: Have Menopausal Symptoms? Bergen County, NJ
Learn about vitamins, supplements, and Rx options to support health goals such as symptom management or prevention.