Menopause, Hormonal Changes, and Sexual Dysfunction

Our accreditations place us in the top 1% of compounding pharmacies

Sexual dysfunction is quite often identified with men. That is the reason why there are near 2 dozen FDA approved medications to assist men in the bedroom as opposed to only one available for women. But women are starting to speak up about this issue, and Pharmacists are finding more ways to solve this problem.

Hormonal Changes and Other Factors

Early onset of menopause may also be caused by chemotherapy and radiation. Sexual dysfunction can likewise be an issue in younger women with no hormonal challenges. Women nowadays have become more open to discussing their intimate lives with their health care providers. Vaginal dryness, low sex drive and difficulty reaching climax are some of their complaints.

Anorgasmia in Relation to Blood Flow

Blood flow to the genitalia may be related to why women experience difficulty getting aroused or achieving orgasm (anorgasmia). As women get older, there is an increased possibility for diminished blood flow to female organs. Compounding pharmacists have been formulating creams in order to address this.

At Town & Country Compounding we do the best to work with the patient and the practitioner to offer other options for the patients.

Solutions for Women

You may have heard about Dream Cream or Scream Cream as one of the basic arousal enhancing creams available.

Another one is Sildenafil Cream (Sildenafil which is more commonly known as Viagra). 

Trimix Cream is one of the more popular creams which is a combination of Phentolamine, Papaverine, and Prostaglandin. To promote sensitivity and arousal, it is usually applied 15-30 minutes to the external genitalia before sexual activity.

In general, arousal enhancing creams are topical creams that can increase blood flow to the genital areas. Arousal enhancing creams can be custom made depending on your needs and budget. These creams may contain Testosterone if your Testosterone levels need to increase. As with every compounded medication, these creams require a medical prescription.

Town & Country Compounding Pharmacy is located at
Town & Country Compounding Pharmacy is located at 535 East Crescent Ave Ramsey, NJ 07446

Town & Country Compounding provides the most advanced formulations based on the most recent research and peer-reviewed guidelines.

We work with patients and their medical providers to customize solutions that are right for their individual needs when commercially-made medications are not showing results.

Medication is not one-size-fits-all. 

Call or Text: 201-447-2020

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