Everything You Need to Know About Compounded Medication

Take a tour of our high-tech sterile and non-sterile compounding labs.
Medication is not one-size-fits all, and mass produced commercially available drugs may not work for patients for various reasons. Certain drugs, combination of drugs, concentration of the drugs, or specific dosage forms that the patient needs may not be commercially available at a traditional retail pharmacy. A compounding pharmacy can customize the ingredients, strength, form, flavor and more.
Not all pharmacies uphold the same standards.
When you get your medicine compounded makes a big difference in your health outcome
Unlike a drug you get at a commercial pharmacy that will have the same quality no matter where you buy it, the effectiveness of compounded medicine can vary widely from pharmacy to pharmacy.
Town & Country Compounding makes customized medicine to the highest standard.
What is Compounding?
Compounding is the creation of a pharmaceutical preparation — a drug by a licensed pharmacist to meet the unique needs of an individual patient (either human or animal) when a commercially available drug does not meet those needs.

Why would someone need a prescription for a compounded medication?
A compounded medication may be necessary for various situations such as:
- A patient needs a customized strength of a drug.
- Hormone replacement combinations for women and men that are not commercially available.
- The patient has an allergy to a dye or filler in the medication.
- The manufacturer has discontinued a drug, but you still need it.
- A patient can no longer swallow (end of life), so they may need the medication for pain made into a suppository or a transdermal cream.
- A cancer patient needs a unique combination of three drugs for terrible nausea.
- A baby has a mitochondrial disorder and needs a special cocktail.
- A teenager has terrible acne, and the parents do not want to use Accutane.
- A cancer patient needs something for skin symptoms and pain caused by chemo.
- A baby needs a heart medication in a liquid, but it only is available in a pill form.
- A cat needs medication in a liquid that only comes in a pill form, and the owner wants it fish-flavored.
- Therapy for a specific condition is not working for you; you need something different.
- The patient needs a combination of medications that do not come combined.
- A patient needs a specialized eye drop that is not commercially available — it is necessary to save your sight, and you need it fast.
- A patient needs a specific infusion for a pump that is not available.
- You have a medication problem, and you need a different option.
At Town & Country Compounding, we make both non-sterile and sterile prescription medications within our multiple labs.
Non-sterile compounded medications include capsules, lozenges, liquids, gels, lotions, ointments, hormone creams, pain creams, testosterone gels, nasal sprays, rapid dissolve tablets, etc.

Sterile compounded medications include ophthalmic drops (eye drops), infusions, injections, IV (intravenous), IM (intramuscular), SQ (subcutaneous), or irrigations containing medications to be used inside the eyes, lungs, veins, spine, muscle, or bladder.
Pharmacists and certified technicians must prepare specialized medications in an environment free from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other organisms that could cause infection (Sterile compounding laboratory).
Rigorous protocols lead to excellent patient outcomes.
Our goal at Town & Country Compounding is to provide patients with high-quality compounded medicine that helps make patients better.
Compounded medication can be customized to best fit a patient’s health needs.

Prescription Medications
We are licensed to fill and ship prescription medications to the following states: