CofixRX™ Povidone Iodine Nasal Cleanse Spray

CofixRX™  is available for pick up at Town & Country Compounding Pharmacy and can be added to your order.

Please call or text us at 201-447-2020 if you want to add it to your Rx pickup or delivery.


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CofixRx ™ is an additional layer of protection trusted by thousands of pharmacists and doctors nationwide.

CofixRX™ (povidone–iodine) Povidone-Iodine Antiviral Nasal Spray to boost your immune system and helps protect you against viruses and pathogens.
CofixRX™ nasal spray combines 1.25% povidone–iodine with vitamin D3.

For an additional layer of protection especially useful for:

  • Healthcare & Essential Workers
  • Travel
  • High Risk Individuals
  • Recreational Activities
  • Educators & Students
  • Food, Retail & Entertainment
One of the main ways germs and pathogens spread is during close contact.
  1. An infected person coughs, sneezes, or breathes, releasing particles into the air.
  2. For those close enough to the droplets, the particles are then breathed in and travel into their sinuses and make their way to the nasopharynx — where the nasal cavity and throat meet.
  3. CofixRx creates an additional protective antipathogenic barrier around the nasopharynx, inactivating germs/pathogens and providing a layer of protection from infection and transmission.
Call or Text: 201-447-2020